Choosing a health insurance plan is not an easy task. The mistake that several people make when seeking advice from a health insurance agent is that they assume there is a charge. There is absolutely no charge to discuss your health insurance options. In fact when dealing with OBAMACARE, MARKETPLACE, ACA, and Medicare, or Retirees, I get asked, “How much do I owe you?” I’m always saying there is no charge for our consultation. I get paid directly by Health insurance companies like: Aetna, Anthem, Ambetter, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Cigna, Humana, Oscar, and UnitedHealthcare, to name just a Few.
If you need help with
Please call me or text me. I can help you make a good choice, specially since I rely heavily on referrals my main focus is to help individuals make the right health insurance choice for their family.
There is a lot to know about Veterans Benefits, Medicare, Some don’t even know where to begin with and that’s when I come in to explain and make plan recommendations.
Need a Health Insurance Quote
don’t wait or you could get in debt with huge medical bills