Did you know that your agent is also your best advocate !
Here with our agency, we have over 22 years of experience and will be honest with you every step of the way. We provide you with the guidance and education you need to make an informed decision. Our experience in dealing with the Marketplace and multiple Individual Family Insurance Companies gives us an advantage… Being your best advocate! You can enroll with anyone, but when you enroll with us, your record is maintained in a database system that will allow us to advocate for you when problems arise. Whether is dealing with the Marketplace, Insurance Company, or healthcare facilities, our services don’t end after we enroll you!
Remember this, as the agent of record, we hold privileges with the marketplace and insurance companies to fight for you!
Coming Soon ! We welcome Daniel Lopez, to our team.! We will be opening more appointments Soon ! Please come back ! or text us for scheduling.
Now we will be in Person
For a Limited Time Only !
Will be held at 3505 Pleasanton Rd., San Antonio, Texas 78221
Mondays(10am-12pm), Wednesdays(12:00pm-2:pm) Thursdays(5:00pm-7:00pm), Friday (5:00pm-7:00pm), Saturday (2:00pm-4:00pm)
Please call us to RSVP or use the “book” button below to register.
Coming Soon!
Video on How to do a quote!
Soon I will be posting a video on how you can start running a quote, this will allow you to see a quick and fast way of comparing plans and printing it.
If you need assistance please call us as soon as possible @ (210)876-4009.
This website will be constantly changing to allow for more appointments, easier quoting, enrolling, and accesibility!! Stay tune!
Office Location:
GB Moreno & Associates
4402 Vance Jackson Suite 230
San Antonio, Texas 78283
Please call ahead of time for appointment as we will usually be working outside of the office
Best Phone to Call or Text (210)876-4009
Please call us @ (210)876-4009 if you need assistance
Medicare Advantage plans or Part C
Most Medicare Advantage Plans are $0 Cost plans. This means you don’t have to pay anything on top of your Part B Premium. Most Medicare Advantage Plans also have Prescription Coverage included as well as additional optional benefits like Dental Care, Vision Care. etc.
Medicare Advantage Plans or Parte C de Medicare
La Mayoria de los planes Medicare Advantage son $0 costo. Esto significa que no tiene que pagar nada acidional a lo de Medicare Parte B. La mayoria de los Planes Medicare Advantage ya tienen cobertura de Part D o Plan de Recetas medicas, y tambien otros beneficios adicionales como: Dental, y vision.
Part D or Prescription Plans
Plan Complementarios o “Supplement”
Los planes Complementarios son para personas que quieren tener la flexibilidad de hir cuan cualquier doctor, specialista, o hospital, sine necesidad de referido.
Supplement plans
Supplement Plans are for those inviduals that want to have the freedom to go to any doctor, specialist, hospital, nationwide-without a referral
Part D or Prescription Drug Plans
Medicare Doesn't cover Pharmacy, therefore you need to enroll into a Part D or prescription plan. If you have enrolled into a Medicare Advantage Plan you may not need to enroll into a prescription plan, as many Medicare Advantage plans have Part Included.
Parte D or Plan de Recetas
Medicare no cubre pharmacia, asi que necesita incribirse en Parte D o un Plan de Recetas Medico. Si ya tienen un plan Medicare Advantage tal vez no necesita, porque la mayoria de los planes Medicare Advantage ya lo tienen incluido.